
2001 S Barrington Ave
Suite #103
Los Angeles, CA 90025

phone : (310) 396-3100
fax : (310) 464-8373
Email: info@lafunctionalneurology.com


Jeffrey James,
D.C., D.A.C.N.B. 

Dr. James is a board-certified chiropractic neurologist, one of only 1500 such practitioners worldwide. He is a graduate of the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. He has been in private practice for over 31 years in West Los Angeles. His academic studies included in-depth training on central and peripheral pain mechanisms. Head and face pain, neuro-physiologic testing, neurological imaging, cerebellar cortices, brain, and its environment, peripheral nervous system, neuron theory, neuromuscular applications, sensory systems, motor systems, autonomics, reflexogenic systems, spinal cord, the brain, cranial nerves, lobes of the brain, and many hours of advanced clinical applications. He has completed a post-graduate program in neuro-chemistry and nutrition which included the study of neuropharmacology, and neurochemistry of pain, neuroimmunology, neuroimmunoendocrinology, the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and dementia, neurogenesis of schizophrenia, OCD, anxiety, and other limbic disorders.

In addition, he has completed many hours of sub-specialty training in functional medicine, blood chemistry, neurotransmitters, functional endocrinology, thyroid disorders, and autoimmunity. This work has allowed him to make the connection between a wide variety of conditions and help people who have been suffering from pain or chronic health issues that have been swept aside in the more traditional model.  He strives to be the best generalist he can be, and not the best specialist because that can narrow the lens through which a patient with health issues is often seen and frequently why a patient doesn’t get well.

He has had the honor of having helped many thousands of people return to a pain-free life including many professional athletes and doctors. He is known for his approachable bedside manner, and his direct but compassionate way of explaining a patient’s sometimes complex condition to them in a way that is easily understood and then providing solutions.